How to Cancel 

You can send a cancel request on , the order can only be cancelled if it is not shipped.


How to Return or Exchange

You can return or exchange the order within 3 days of delivery of the product, to return / exchange please mail us at

Our return policy is very flexible and customer friendly, we try to accommodate our patrons as much as we can, we welcome exchanges on the following terms -

  • If a wrong product has been received 

  • If you identify a manufacturing defect on the received product

  • If the product is received in a damaged condition

If the product doesn’t fit into your desired expectation we will be refunding you the amount of the bought product after taking out the partial cost of freight & packing based on invoice value as follows -

  • Rs. 0.00 - Rs. 999 - Rs. 150

  • Rs. 1000 - Rs. 2999 - Rs. 350

  • Rs. 3000 - Rs. 9999 - Rs. 500

  • Rs. 10000 and above – 10% of order value